Thursday, February 21, 2008

Dave's first blog

So, this is my first blog. I'm not sure that anyone will read it, except for maybe one Shaylee Hatch Deelstra because she's the one who convinced me to do this. Holla at your boy, Shay... and by "boy" I mean your husband's best red-headed friend.

I'd like to use this as a medium for release. You know, to vent frustrations or record sweet ideas, but I recognize that one needs to be careful blogging. I'm in the process of trying to find gainful full-time employment, and I've heard that potential employers try to find potential employees' blogs and social networking pages (e.g. Facebook). It would be no bueno if those potential providers read something unacceptable, not that I am involved in unacceptable behavior. I'm just saying you have to be careful.

I must admit that I am unseasoned in the ways of blogs. I have read a few blogs, but am not as of yet a blog junkie. Who knows, this could be the start of a whole new time of my life, one marked by consumption of user-provided media.

But after reading what I've already written, I wonder why in the world anyone would want to read it. I'm going to have to start saying cooler stuff if I want people to read this. I'll do my best to say more interesting stuff in the future.


Lynne said...

Just saw that you added a website on FB, and oh my goodness, happy am I that you have a blog? You are going to love it. My old college roommate got me into it, and now my family and I all have them so we can keep in touch while we're all across the country...they are the best thing. Do you mind if I link yours on mine??

Shaylee said...

David! You took the plunge and it looks great! I'm excited to see this pan out..muy bien

Chris and Jen said...

I love it. I can't wait for the next blog!

The Roches said...

Dave PR! Nice to see you've joined the blogging world. What's this I hear about you going to grad school?! Fill me in!