Saturday, February 23, 2008

Speak up

I'll be attending the funeral of a young father and good friend next week. His was a preventable death. No one saw it coming. One day he was here, the next day he chose not to be.

I feel that I've been rather selfish. I'm caught up in the job hunt and searching for the next big thing. I'm struggling to choose between a number of options, all of which are interesting and wonderful. I feel selfish because there was someone in my life that was struggling just to figure out how to simply live one more day, and I didn't do anything. Just one more day.

How many others around me need help and won't ask for it? How many others around me are asking for help and I haven't listened or responded because I'm too lost on me?

I love my family and friends, but I don't tell them enough. I don't call old friends when I think about them as often as I should. I will do better.

To my family, friends, acquaintances, enemies, and all others: I love you and am trying to love you more. Forgive my selfishness. If you need me, or anyone, please tell me. Please. If not me, please tell someone, anyone.

There is help out there. I want to be that help.

Speak up. You will be heard, and you will be loved.

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